The wonders of the world I would love to see are the Pyramids, but the wonders of the world I am facing every day are not as extravagant. Like school and food service and relationships. I think that I am in a very fragile state with changing careers and so don't mind me if I talk about my struggles with leaving the Film Industry to become a college student. It is not all set in stone yet but my mind is pretty made up.
I am in a mood I can not quite describe, I had a headache most of the afternoon and was not feeling tip top so I lied down with Bravo and caught up on some silly TV shows. Once Sean got home I was in a much better mood and am now feeling well enough to look at the computer screen. I think it was all the reading I did for my Psych class. I am not used to looking at a text book and never really read much of them in my high school days ( I was too interested in boys, art and parties). But now in my young adulthood I am finding it still just as challenging so I am a bit upset. I have no prob doing homework or listening to lectures but I know the reading will kill me. Any tips? Anybody more left brained with some study tips??? My sister gave me great advice (very left brained) and told me to type my notes and go to the library after class to do the reading when I am in study mode and I think I will try that!
Anyways... my mind is a bit mushy now so I will move on to my eats!
Bfast; Small orange, cereal with Almond Milk and raisins:
I was just amazed at how beautifully my V-Day flowers have bloomed!
for my mid morn snack I had a Larabar in Gingersnap (no pic) and this snack I had mid afternoon: